Sunday, May 9, 2010

Possibility Vs. Plausibilty: End all Faith Defense

Possible is defined on as "1: That may or can be, exist, happen, be done, be used etc. 2: That may be true or may be the case, as something concerning which one has no knowledge to the contrary."
Plausible is defined on as "having an appearance of truth or reason; seemingly worthy of approval or acceptance; credible; believable."

Here's the end all defense of your faith. Nothing more need be said as long as you live. You completely place the decision, evidence, and reality of the situation on them.

In the realm of our human reality exists the term "possibility" which was defined above (the state of being possible). The truth of our world is ANYTHING, yes anything, any human asserts no matter how absurd is immediately granted the status of "possible". This is not an arguable statement; it's a fact. Everything any man suggests is possible, however, that doesn't make it true, simply possible. Yes, even Zeus living on top of Mt. Olympus was/is indeed "possible", but is it plausible? Is it seemingly worthy of acceptance? Some say yes, others no, but the fact remains it is still possible.

So any atheist must then consider the fact that Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. are possible, period. No matter what any of them or myself say, it's possible one is right simply on the merits of the fact that their opinion exists. Either atheists are right and nothing happens when we die, or they are wrong and something from some other religion happens, period. Someone WILL BE right. When philosophers claim that truth is relative, all philosophies have value, this is the true meaning of the statement they make, regardless of what is suggest of the phrase. This is the only form of relative truth or equivalent "value" that can be assigned to all philosophies. Unfortunately, all are possible, but not all are true. They can't be, and here's why.

The fact is all philosophies are not equivalent, and can not be due to extreme variations is their beliefs or VALUES. They are impossible to be valued the same because their VALUES are completely opposite. The opinion of equal relevance is simply a shield attempting to hide from the truth of the situation. Things can not be equivalent in terms of value if their values aren't the same. That's pretty self-explanatory if you ask me. So when philosophers say all things have equal value or merit...It's only true from one perspective, and the least important of them at that, possibility. Every philosophy book needs to be written and establish this philosophical truth: Possibility is the only relative truth in our reality, however, that's not the end all result of philosophy. You have to dig deeper, and that's when the "truth is relative" theory falls apart at the seams. All are possible, but not all are right, valued, true. They can't be because they clearly contradict each other.

The next step after proving the concept of possibility is then asking the key question: Why don't you want to believe in a religion?

This is completely valid, and don't let them convince you otherwise. There is a reason they don't want to believe in something no matter how insignificant it may be. The reason atheists don't want to believe in a religion is because they then have consequences, period. If they acknowledge a religion they are then punished for their actions according to whichever religion ends up being true, however, the problem with this theory is: all religions are possible, and they therefore MAY BE held accountable for their actions. Their desire for an opposite truth doesn't change the reality of possibility or truth. If we're right, regardless of what they wanted, we're right.

Next for someone who believes in a religion but not Christianity the question for them is: Why don't you want to believe in Christianity? There is a reason they don't want to whether it be they think it's wrong, they don't want to be disowned by their family, etc. but there IS a reason. The beauty of this is that our ability to question them about their religion is totally validated through science and historical evidence as well. We may not have PROVED our beliefs, but we have more evidence than any other religion, outside of atheism simply because their evidence isn't placed in any stock therefore they can use everything we have they just don't acknowledge what it actually points to. We don't need to defend ourselves, we have the greatest attack of all, bone crushing evidence completely and utterly in our favor. I'm not talking about some minor little piece here, little piece there; we have ULTIMATE evidence. More than any historical document of all time times 10 or something. Over 15000 valid documents backing up the New Testament compared to 643 (the next closest) for Homer's lliad. The burden of proof isn't on us, it's on them, period.

Here's the second question: What harm would come from believing in Christianity? At the very least, what bad would possibly come from following the God of the Bible?

See this is the truth: Regardless of what any atheist will say, the only "negative" thing that comes from following the Word of God is they can't keep living in their life of sin. That's it. If they were to follow the Christian faith, they would be an ultra effective force on this earth for good AND they would have an eternal security blanket backed by more evidence and real people testimonies than any other religion on earth in Jesus Christ. Only good can come from turning to the faith in God. However, they can't go on sinning which they don't like. So then the ball is in their court. You've proved to them that, like it or not, your argument (Christianity) IS possible, and not only that, it's the most plausible viewpoint in all of our existence. It covers all of its bases and benefits the world more than any other and insures your eternal security also. What's not to like? No more sinning for 60 years, purposely anyway; what a bummer.

Now here's the trick. They WILL, without a doubt, pull one of any number of things to try and trip you up with theology and philosophy, and this would be the only one I recommend addressing. "Well, if God exists then why free will? He damns people to hell with it." Then in the infinite wisdom God has given us through His word we say, "I have supplied you with all the information you would ever need to take advantage of your free will. Your acknowledgment of the concept of free will is the perfect and complete demonstration of your free will." It's flawless. They may not like it, and they will throw more philosophical, elegant, fancy language at you, but you hold the truth. They will know it too. You hold the truth from the Word of God, and you have just dropped it in their lap; now it's up to them.Luckily, you have already addressed their philosophical arguments they are about to throw at you with the philosophical fact of possibility. They then have been equipped with all the tools to utilize their free will. Should they decided to capitalize on it, share the Gospel. If not they have completely exercised their free will, and you have succeeded in planting a seed by the living waters of Christ. They have defined, before you, God, and themselves, the very definition of free will, and don't hesitate to let them know this. God brought His existence into the realm of possibility, made it plausible by supporting it better than any other piece of literature in all of existence, and then gave us the right to choose it or ignore what's right in front of us. If that's not free will...I don't know what is.

The last thing I want to say is if they start talking about how you are shoving your religion down their throat say, "Trust me...If you believed you were going where I believed you were...You'd be trying to save yourself too. I think this shows how much I truly care about you. I'm willing to take time out of my day to do what I believe to be right for your benefit, not mine." It's important that they realize that you are doing this not to "shove it down their throats" but because you now the severity of the punishment if they are wrong and you are right. Demonstrate your love through the truth. Jesus said that we should "tell the truth, but season it with love." Always speak truth, but seasoned graciously with love.

I hope this helps you stand even more firm in your faith.

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